Email to Family and Friends
Last Monday Elder Merrill and I were at JcPennys just looking around, we looked at ties and suits and shirts. Little did we know that morning just how nasty our shirts were! Haha so I decided that I need to clean my self up, so we bleached our shirts, I iron my shirts and ties, and polish my shoes everyday. And I can tell ya, I feel a lot better about my self now.
We had a Zone Conference on Tuesday (which consisted of 3 Zones). While we were there my MTC companion was there, Elder Tate Shumway, haha I love this guy! He is a Zone Leader as well so I get to see him a lot now, when before I never saw him tell I got transferred to Butte. He truly is an amazing Elder.
We took the Elder is Dillon on an exchange here in Butte this past week. Elder Lubke and I went and Cole tested Service to basically every were in town, and we got amazing results! On of the places we are now volunteering at is called the Science Mine. Haha the moment I walked in, I said to my self "If Kayli knew I got to volunteer here, she would die!" It is so cool it like the Science Museum in Phoenix but all hands on! We get to help little kids build robots, learn how to do anything engineering that a child can do. They even have a sweet Tesla Coil that shocks stuff! We are also volunteering at some other sweet museums.
We had the baptisms of Jarek Sparks and Gavin Boucher this last Saturday. Jarek is 13 and Gavin is 9. They are so fun to teach haha. There Dad, Bryan is now the only non member in the family, so me being me went up to him afterwords, and said "Bryan your whole family is Mormon now! When is it going to be your turn?" Haha we joke around with him all the time.
In The Book of Helaman, the Saints of God were being highly persecuted, but Mormon records that, "[those being persecuted] did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God." (1)
As I read that last line this morning, it had a special impression on me. We are sanctified or purified from the effects of our sins as we yield ourselves to God. As we are humble and teachable and submit to the things the Lord sees fit to inflict upon us, we will be purified into a more holy and godly person.
Elder Philip R. Bredsguard
Mission Home: 1848 Rimrock Road, Billings, Montana 59102
Current Address: 1704 Lowell Ave, Butte, MT 59701
- Helaman 3:35