Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 20, 2016, "Repentance"

            My time here at the MTC has really got me thinking about repentance. What is repentance? What dose that mean and why would we need it? I remember growing up , I always thought of repentance as a bad word, a scary word. "Doesn't that mean I would have to tell others and God that I made a mistake? That I messed up?" These were the thought that would go through my head. I saw it as a sign of weakness. If I repented what would I have left? Even though I knew that Heavenly Father knew what I had done, "the very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror." (Alma 36:14). I know many of you might have the same perspective I had. I want to help the Spirit open your mind as you read this and to see with a new view of what repentance really is. Repentance isn't scary, its not a sign of weakness. It's actually a sign of strength and humility, by showing God that we are willing to throw away our old and imperfect self, and to become as He is. Pure, Virtues, all loving and all caring. And by doing that we are actually showing The Lord how much we truly, truly love Him. Gods very, "work and.. glory—[is] to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39). This would be impossible without repentance, for we know that, "salvation cometh to none such except it be through repentance and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ." (Mosiah 3:12). 

             Through my studies, wonderful teachers, and experience. I have come to know that two things are necessary for repentance to happen. Nephi told us that, "as many as should look upon the Son of God with faith, having a contrite spirit, might live, even unto that life which is eternal." (Helaman 8:15). We must first have faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, and we must have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Without faith in our Savior the repentance process is a false, unsatisfying procedure where we may have stopped doing the thing we know is bad, but because Christ is not involved guilt and shame continue to cloud our lives and our memories. We must bring our Savior into it and "partake of His salvation." Because of Him, "though [our] sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." (Isaiah 1:18). Through Christ we can be washed clean, and feel his unabounding love in our lives. Faith leads us to repentance because we love our Savior and what he has done for us. 

            Another critical element is a broken heart and a contrite spirit. These two things are preconditions to repentance. "When we sin and desire forgiveness, a broken heart and a contrite spirit mean to experience “godly sorrow [that] worketh repentance” (2 Corinthians 7:10). This comes when our desire to be cleansed from sin is so consuming that our hearts ache with sorrow and we yearn to feel at peace with our Father in Heaven. Those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit are willing to do anything and everything that God asks of them, without resistance or resentment. We cease doing things our way and learn to do them God’s way instead. In such a condition of submissiveness, the Atonement can take effect and true repentance can occur." The Savior is our perfect example of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. "Christ’s example teaches us that a broken heart is an eternal attribute of godliness. When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are. The sacrifice so entailed is a sacrifice of pride in all its forms. Like malleable clay in the hands of a skilled potter, the brokenhearted can be molded and shaped in the hands of the Master." Through our broken hearts and our contrite spirits, we desire forgiveness.This happens through repentance, by which we can ultimately become who He wants us to be. Our best. Our full potential.

            Repentence,"points us to freedom, confidence, and peace. Rather than interrupting the celebration, the gift of repentance is the cause for true celebration.". "Without repentance, there is no real progress or improvement in life." The Guide tot the Scriptures tells us that "A change of mind and heart that brings a fresh attitude toward God, oneself, and life in general. Repentance implies that a person turns away from evil and turns his heart and will to God, submitting to God’s commandments and desires and forsaking sin. True repentance comes from a love for God and a sincere desire to obey his commandments. All accountable persons have sinned and must repent in order to progress toward salvation. Only through the atonement of Jesus Christ can our repentance become effective and accepted by God." When we repent, we are striving to change: To become a better person and to become more like Christ.

             We must always realize that repentance is only possible because of what Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer, did for us. He is the reason any of this joy and progression is possible. "...the Savior “descended below all things” (D&C 88:6) as He bore the burden of sin for every human being. At Golgotha, He “poured out his soul unto death” (Isaiah 53:12), and His great heart literally broke with an all-encompassing love for the children of God. When we remember the Savior and His suffering, our hearts too will break in gratitude for the Anointed One." 

              I know my Savior Lives I would incourage all of you to repent. (remember its not a bad thing!)  I love all of you!

Elder Philip R. Bredsguard
The Missionary Training Center (MTC)
Provo, UT

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 14, 2016, "The Pure Love of Christ"

Dear Family and Friends,

                  My time here at the MTC has been absolutely amazing! I have come closer to our Heavenly Father than I even thought possible at the MTC. I totally underestimated the power of the MTC. I have really come to understand that my purpose as a missionary, which is to "invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end." (PMG pg.1). I apologize now to all those who were expecting to hear what my past week schedule has been. I know that my purpose as a missionary is to "invite others to come unto Christ." (PMG pg.1).Whether that be a new friend I find on the street or family and friends back home, I dont see a difference between the two. But dont worry my weekly emails will still contain things I have experienced or am experiencing that I feel will pertain to the message the Spirit guides me to write.

                  As I have been here at the MTC , I have never had a greater desire to have charity in my entire life so far. I am really starting to understand when Mormon said that " if [we] have not charity [we are] nothing; wherefore [we] must needs have charity" (Moroni 7:44) The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians about this type of love. As you read what he said, I would ask that you take your time and really ponder what is being said. "(1) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. (2) And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. (3) And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. (4) Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, (5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; (6) Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; (7) Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (8) Charity never faileth........... (13) And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." (1 Corinthians 13:1-8,13). I love what he says in the first verse. It call really apply to missionary work, But I truly think it can be applied very well to the daily conversations we have with others. 

                  Those of you who will read my emails on a consistent basis will come to find out very quickly, that I am a quite a large fan of the brother of Jared. He had such incredible faith that he saw the finger of God! "..the Lord said unto him: Because of thy faith thou hast seen that I shall take upon me flesh and blood; and never has man come before me with such exceeding faith as thou hast; for were it not so ye could not have seen my finger." (Ether 3:9). Moroni tells us that, "because of the knowledge of this man he could not be kept from beholding within the veil; and he saw the finger of Jesus,......and he had faith no longer, for he knew, nothing doubting. Wherefore, having this perfect knowledge of God, he could not be kept from within the veil; therefore he saw Jesus; and he did minister unto him." (Ether 3:19-20) The great Jehovah, the Creator of the universe even said to him, "never has man believed in me as thou hast." (Ether3:15).  But one thing he did that requires faith the size of a full grown redwood tree is, "the brother of Jared said unto the mountain Zerin, Remove—and it was removed. And if he had not had faith it would not have moved; wherefore thou workest after men have faith" (Ether 12:30). The brother of Jared is an example to all of us of faith and we should strive to emulate him.

                  I am sure that as we think of what he did and saw, we are astounded by what he has done. But, I want to go back to Paul. Did he not say that, "..and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:2)? If we think of the stellar man that the brother of Jared was, he would still be nothing if he had not charity. Mormon declares that, "charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." (Moroni 7:47). You mothers and fathers out there, think of the love you have for your children. You know that you would do anything for them. You have absolute unconditional love for them. That is Gods love. That is the love He has for us. He loves us more than we can even begin to imagine. We as His children must go out and share that love. The prophet Mormon explains to us how to receive this love. "Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure." (Moroni 7:48).

                  I would like to challenge all who read this message that you will seek after this love. Study, Ponder, and pray to receive it. I know that as we allow this love to enter our hearts we will become more like Him, and be closer to Him. I love all of you, you are all sons and daughters of God. He is our loving Heavenly Father. I know that, "..if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail." (Moroni 7:46). I would like all of you to know that I know that Jesus Christ is our Savoir and Redeemer. He lives! He came down to this imperfect world in a mortal body and atoned for all the sins, pains, and afflictions of all mankind. I know that as you come to better know Him you will become like Him and be filled with "the pure love of Christ". I love everyone of you and wish you well. Keep trying you are doing better than you think you are.

Elder Philip R. Bredsguard
The Missionary Training Center (MTC)
Provo, Utah

Administrator/Mom's Note: These pictures are blurry if I enlarge them.  This is the way they were sent to me. Hope you can see them.  LOL