Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19, 2016, "Bringeth a Change of Heart"

Email to Family and Friends
             We just had a baptism this weekend! His name is Jason Boyson. If you want to talk about prepared, this man was just ready for the gospel. Every time he hears truth, it just clicks in his brain and he says "It just makes sense!" Seeing him baptized and receiving the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands were both very special moments. Now when ever you look in his eyes, you can just see how pure and clean he is.
          Also another little girl from a family in the ward got baptized in the Big Horn River. Her name is Summer Galovich. We also have been meeting with an 11 year old boy, Jack, who is Jason next door neighbor. We can to the LDS church for the first time yesterday, which was the primary program. Haha he had a fun time. We met with him last night and he wants to be baptized on the 22nd of October. Haha he is very energetic and at the end of each lesson we play a game called "Nephi's Vouige to the Promised Land". It's like monopoly mixed with LIFE.
           This week is transfers, Elder Palmer will be going to Gillet, WY as a trainer, District Leader, speaking Spanish, and the are being doubled in for Sisters! He is about to have a great opportunity to grow. I'll be staying here and my new companion is Elder Johnson... I think haha I will keep you all posted.

"Bringeth a Change of Heart"

          Looking back in my life, I have come to notice a pattern. I tend to try the promises of Christ and the prophets. Not necessarily to prove or disprove, but to see if they will really come true in my own life. Because of that, I have a testimony of Christ and of His divinity. And now, I find my self putting the prophets to the test once again. Specifically, Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith once said, "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book.” (1) 
          On the morrow, I will have finished the Book of Mormon for the second time in the past 12 weeks. Both times I have read it with a question in mind to better myself. Everyday I would pray to God to help me become better through Christ, and strive with my best ability to apply the principle I learned for that day.
          Spiritual growth is very hard to notice in ourselves. But I can literally feel, over the past few months, my heart changing. I have been noticing as my mind is more full of uplifting and ennobling thoughts.
          I am better understanding Samuel the Laminate when he said, "ye do know of yourselves, for ye have witnessed it, that as many of them as.. are led to believe the holy scriptures, yea, the prophecies of the holy prophets, which are written, which leadeth them to faith on the Lord, and unto repentance, which faith and repentance bringeth a change of heart unto them" (2). 
           The two questions I have studied in the Book of Mormon so far since I have been on my mission are "How can I have more charity?" and "What is the Character of Christ?" Through applying and diligent reading of the Book of Mormon, it is truly changing me. Slowly but surely. I can't notice a difference from day to day. But looking back, I can see small but significant change.
          I have felt as Alma taught, "And now, behold, because ye have tried the experiment, and planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good." (3)
          I know this is a good seed, through studying the Book of Mormon I have been able to see my very nature change. My faith in my Savior grows each time I read, and I always leave wanting to be better.
          Those of you who know me well, know I have a long way to go tell I am like the Savior. But, for those of you who want to change and be better, read the Book of Mormon! It will amplify the process of developing Christlike attributes. If you can't or don't know where to get a copy if you don't have one, email me. I'll be more than happy to mail you one. This will bless your life! It has changed mine and millions of others. 
           I have asked my companion to share his testimony of how the Book of Mormon has changed him since, your all probably board of hearing mine. He is an amazing missionary and someone we should all try to be like.
               "In high school I began to read from the Book of Mormon again. Years before I had gained a testimony that it was true, over time, however, I fell out of the habit of reading and forgot how it made me feel. When I read it in high school I was challenged to read it in six months, this made me make my studies a habit. Over that period of study I began to notice that I was being changed into a better person. I believe that this change happens because the Book of Mormon truly testifies of our Savior, by remembering him my attitude and character changed for the better. I know that it is the word of God and that a man will draw closer to Him by abiding by its precepts then by any other book." -Elder Palmer
          We say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Philip R. Bredsguard
Thermopolis, WY

1. Introduction to the Book of Mormon 
2. Helaman 15:7
3. Alma 32:33

Elder Bredsguard, Jason Boyson, Elder Palmer