Thursday, December 28, 2017

December 26, 2017, "Bad to Good to Better"

Email to Family and Friends

          Well this week was fantastic! I have been making a really concentrated effort to have the Savior always on my mind. My mission has a bit left but I will NOT waste any second of it. I have been called of God Almighty by the power of the priesthood and the gift of the Holy Ghost to be a witness to the world of the Living Christ and of the Restoration of His Gospel. My authority is greater than the kings of the earth and I will use it as such.
          We have had do so much traveling this last week due to Transfers, 8 hours on Wednesday, 6 hours on Thursday and 2 hours on Friday
          Christmas was great! As we went into the home of our dear friends, the Spirit just flooded the homes of these families. The message of Jesus Christ carries with it such a powerful Spirit. One that cannot not be denied once felt. I love these families! I hope and pray everyday that God will pour up out his blessing upon them more abundantly through their obedience to the laws opens ordinances of His Gospel.
            I love you all, and I hope each of you had a Merry Christmas!!

"Bad to Good to Better"

          Elder David A Bednar said "If I were emphasize one overarching point this morning, it would be this: I suspect that you and I are much more familiar with the nature of the redeeming power of the Atonement than we are with the enabling power of the Atonement. It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for us. That is fundamental and foundational to the doctrine of Christ. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to live in us--not only to direct us but also to empower us. I think most of us know that when we do things wrong, when we need help to overcome the effects of sin in our lives, the Savior has paid the price and made it possible for us to be made clean through His redeeming power. Most of us clearly understand that the Atonement is for sinners. I am not so sure, however, that we know and understand that the Atonement is also for saints--for good men and women who are obedient and worthy and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully. I frankly do not think many of us "get it" concerning this enabling and strengthening aspect of the Atonement, and I wonder if we mistakenly believe we must make the journey from good to better and become a saint all by ourselves through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline, and with our obviously limited capacities."
           "Brothers and Sisters, the gospel of the Savior  is not simply about avoiding bad in our lives; it also is especially about doing and becoming good. And the Atonement provides help for us to overcome and avoid bad and to do and become good. There is help from the Savior for the entire journey of life--from bad to good to better and to change our very nature." (1)

Elder Philip R. Bredsguard

  1. "In the Strength of the Lord" by Elder David A. Bednar

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